Melanie Benitz, with a degree in Counseling, has been working in the Green Ridge School District to talk to Juniors and Seniors about their plans after graduation, whether they go to college or decide on a different path. If a student doesn’t have anything planned she talks to them to help get a plan started for their future by asking about their hobbies or what they enjoy to get them started on a career they would enjoy.
Earlier last week, Mrs. Latimer’s Ag class had the privilege to talk to Mrs. Benitz who explained she has always wanted to help people. She also stated that she went back to college to get a Masters degree in counseling and it was some of her coworkers that pushed her to go back to college. Mrs. Benitz feels that a lot of decisions, like her decision to go back to college, are associated with who is around you. She also stated that many people don’t go into the job field they believe they will.