Mrs. Sleeper's kindergarten students were very excited about practicing their letters and sounds today!

Mrs. Flandermeyer's 9th graders are reading the classic, "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

Interesting choice of "cups" today!

It's that time again! Time to recognize our Students of the Month!
HS student Gray Le: Gray has been such a help to so many students, taking time to work with them one on one whether it be due to a language barrier or math. I've been in several rooms where I have personally seen her working with kids, and she is so patient and kind. Gray has a natural easy way about her with kids and you can tell she genuinely enjoys helping them.
JH student Matvii Nochka: He is always prepared. He is attentive, helpful to his peers and strives to do his best. He is quiet and does what is expected of him without being told twice. He excels in his academics with straight A's, is polite and respectful, and follows the rules and expectations. He is always friendly and helpful to his peers and is well-liked by others.
Intermediate student Jackson Klein: Jackson has quickly adapted to Green Ridge and has become a great example of what it means to be a GR8 student. He is always eager to participate in class, embrace and learn from his mistakes, and handles all of his responsibilities well. His willingness to learn combined with his positive attitude make him a joy to have in class. I know this is just the beginning of his success here at Green Ridge!!
Primary Student Jeanette Sidorov: Jeanette is a great student who always does her best. She works hard and goes the extra mile to do what she believes is right. If there is more than one way to solve a problem, she uses the strategy that makes the most sense to her and usually gets the answer correct. It may take her longer to complete her work, but the teacher knows that it will be quality work that she should be proud of. She is a good friend to all and tries to include everyone when she is playing a game, working in groups, or just playing at recess.

We have some awesome GRE students that have been caught being GR-8! Thanks for showing your tiger stripes!

Tonight's District Soccer Match has been cancelled, and rescheduled for tomorrow night. The match will be held at Smith-Cotton high school and will begin at 5:00 p.m. Good luck Tigers!

Mrs. Lamar's students sure loved their pumpkins from Rupe Farms! Thank you so much!!!

From Mrs. Piscopo:
"Mrs. Piscopo's class has been working on the engineering design process in science class. They had to determine the problem, create solutions, pick appropriate materials, and design a structure to solve the problem. The next steps will be to test their designs and make any corrections needed to help solve the original problem."

From Mrs. Piscopo:
"Thank you to Rupe Family Farms for the pumpkins!"

The Running Tigers had a phenomenal end to our main season today at the District meet in Fulton. Trenton Sawyer finished 8th overall (18:42) and Rylee Donaldson finished 20th (24:16) earning both a spot at the State meet in Columbia this Friday. Evee Porter finished in 31st, one spot shy of qualifying BUT setting a new PR (personal record) at 20:10. Callie Knoernschild also set a PR for the season (25:56) finishing just out of medal territory in 34th place. Jackson Xiloj (21:18) and Lily Viebrock (35:54) also fought until the end - both setting season PRs as well. Gage Devorss (21:18), Izaiah Lemanski (23:38), Jackson, Trenton and Evee finished 6th in the District as a team which is exciting for our small program. As a coach, I couldn’t ask for anything more than my runners giving their ALL in their last race…and they did! I am so proud of all their effort and growth this season and look forward to even more next year.
- Coach Donaldson -

Some of our 7th & 8th grade choir students attended the West Central Junior High Honor Choir day on Saturday, November 2nd.
All the students were an excellent representation of the talent we have at Green Ridge and in the Music Department.
In the SAB Choir, Paisley Rogers (Soprano); Macie Nilson, Mika Wheaton, Rayleigh Williams (Altos); Clay Goodman, Chet Sobaski, and Max Knoernschild (Baritone).
In the Treble Choir, sopranos Kaelyn Wiesenberger, Whitney Rupe, Ariana Burton; and altos Esther Pakhnyuk, Mya Edington, and Myah Mahalovich.

Congratulations to Rylee and Trenton who will be representing Green Ridge at the State Cross Country meet at Gans Creek in Columbia Friday!

Look what Mrs. Lamar’s class was up to this week!
“We read Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons. We wrote subtraction problems along with the book until the only button Pete had left was his belly button! Then, we broke off into partners and created our own subtraction problems with yellow shirts and buttons!”

GR8 teachers and students decorated pumpkins this week! Have you picked your favorite yet? Cast your vote by placing money in the can of your pumpkin. We will collect money until next Friday. Happy Halloween!

There will be a parent meeting for JH Boys Basketball at school in the cafeteria on Wed. 11/6 at 5:30pm. For questions contact Coach Tester at testerj@grtigers.net. Thanks!

From Miss Hilt:
"After constructing a plan for determining what the best insulator would be, students put their experiments to the test! They tested plastic, styrofoam, glass, and metal cups to see which held ice for the longest time. They then graphed their data after completing three trials."

The Green Ridge R VIII School District has always prided itself on fostering an environment where collaboration thrives. This year, a remarkable initiative brought together students from the high school, junior high, and elementary levels, showcasing a spirit of teamwork that is truly unmatched.
The initiative? Student-Led Conferences, a concept that transformed the way students interacted with one another and with their teachers. The idea was simple yet powerful: students would take the reins of their own learning by sharing their projects, experiences, and reflections with their peers. The goal was not just to showcase academic achievements, but to promote open communication about growth and struggles—a vital skill for life.
High school students took on leadership roles, mentoring younger students and helping them prepare their presentations. They crafted engaging displays, rehearsed their speeches, and even encouraged the elementary students to express their thoughts and questions openly.
The junior high students floated between groups, offering support and encouraging their younger peers to share their ideas as well as their information.
The conferences also served as a reminder that learning extends beyond academics. The importance of communication, empathy, and resilience emerged as central themes. Students of all ages recognized that discussing their challenges was just as important as celebrating their successes. These conversations nurtured a sense of community, where everyone felt valued and understood.
The staff at Green Ridge R VIII played an integral role in this transformation. Teachers guided students, providing the necessary tools and frameworks for effective presentations. They emphasized the significance of self-reflection and encouraged students to set personal goals. This support allowed students to gain confidence and ownership of their learning.

Mrs. Maxon has been busy displaying artwork for our Student Led Conferences this week. There will be questions posted by the displays for you to ask your student. Please make a point to stop by and have a conversation with your student about their masterpiece!

Congratulations to Miley Hayes for being nominated and recognized as our outstanding senior student at this month’s Rotary Luncheon. Miley is a great asset to our school district. She is a positive, helpful, hard-working, and thoughtful young lady. Miley is involved in numerous activities including the National Honor Society, FBLA, FFA, Band, Girl's Golf, and Archery. Miley has received several recognitions for her trumpet solos and FBLA activities. Outside of school, Miley spends numerous hours volunteering, making prize winning strawberry jam, and working part time. Following graduation, Miley plans to attend State Fair Community College and then move on to the University of Central Missouri to obtain a degree in Kinesiology. We are extremely proud of Miley and her accomplishments. She has a bright future ahead of her, and we will support her in all her endeavors.
Congratulations again, Miley Hayes!

A few glimpses of yesterday's 1st quarter Awards Assembly!