From Mrs. Hilt: "Third grade was exploring and identifying the differences between science fruits and science vegetables."
From Mrs. Johnson: "Students were looking for seeds in vegetables to see if it was a science fruit or vegetable."
Mrs. Davis and her bunch enjoyed the Thanksgiving festivities!
Mrs. Lamar’s class arrived at school today with an Elf in the classroom! They ended the day putting up the Christmas tree! 🎄
From Mr. Taylor: "Mrs. Harrison's class voted. Sophia V. is the winner!"
From Mr. Taylor: "Ms. Schmidli’s class president was selected. Waylon won the election!"
From Mr. Taylor: "Election Day at Green Ridge! 5th Grade gets a president!" These students went through the whole process! Here are pictures of their campaign posters and the official ballot box!!!
From Mr. Taylor: "6th grade has worked very hard learning about the ancient Israelites. Today they are presenting their research assignment dealing with subjects ranging from Moses and the 10 commandments, the Phoenician alphabet influence on our own, Alexander the Great, and the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947! Pictured here is Juan presenting his report to the class."
3rd Grade readers are getting stronger every day!!!
Mrs. Lamar's students were working on sight words and independent reading while she was checking in with students 1:1. Growing readers in Kinder!!!
Mr. Romenskiy's freshman students recently read "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell. Today, they completed their study guide, worked with partners, and reviewed the story with a competitive game of Kahoot.
1st Grade math and science were going strong today! Students worked hard solving math word problems. Later, they made a sun tracker after learning about sunrise, sunset, and east and west directions.
2nd Grade: 1-minute reading passage checks, small group reading practice, spelling word work, and putting words in alphabetical order using popsicle sticks----busy morning!
Students from Mr. Taylor's class working on their declaration!
From Mr. Taylor: "The second 5th grade class will hold their election too. Nicholas was nominated to run for president by his party and Sophia was nominated by her party."
Nicholas-Prickles, Pringles, and Pickles Party
Sophia-Galaxy Life Savers Party
Tap it, map it, graph it with first and second graders!
From Mr. Taylor: "Waylon and Trinidy are running for president tomorrow. They both created new political parties and will do their best to convince the 6th grade to vote for one of them."
From Mr. Taylor: "This group signed their party charter and will be holding their election tomorrow."
From Ms. Dailey: "Students modeling finding the unknown number in an equation. They loved getting to show off what they know!"
First and third graders doing tap it, map it, graph it with blends. GR8 job!!!