Thank you to Central Bank for donating pencils to our Junior High. The Junior high was in desperate need of pencils, and they delivered!
almost 2 years ago, Green Ridge R-8 School District
Central Bank Pencil Donation
Happy Bus Drivers Day! Here at the Ridge, we are fortunate to have some of the best bus drivers around! Today we are letting them know we appreciate all that they do for the district and students at Green Ridge! Thank you Kenny Thomas, John Metzner, BoAnn Peck, Robert Tyler, and Harold Finke!
almost 2 years ago, Rachel Hammers
picture of bus drivers
Senior Spotlight
almost 2 years ago, Green Ridge R-8 School District
Harmony left it all on the stage today! Harmony traveled to Nevada to compete and came home with a First Place Win! They were down a member, several powered through sickness, and everyone came together to support one another and put on one of their best performances this season. "It was a great day, productive clinic/critique," said Director, Ashley Bates. "And the judges were very complimentary of our small school and commented that we performed at a level they would expect from schools triple our size." Dinner & Dessert Theater is March 11. Be sure to get your tickets!
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Bates
1st Place at Nevada
Bailey Perkins and Matti Mergen accepting the award
Ms. Brown's Anatomy class sculpted brains, brain stems, and spinal cords with Play-Doh today! GR8 detail! Nice work!!!
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hubbard
Mrs. Sleeper's students are making progress with phonemes! This student has gained so much confidence using this multi-sensory approach. GR8 job!!!
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hubbard
Ms. Miller is such a positive presence at Green Ridge R8! As a FACS teacher, she teaches some of the most important life skills. Today, her students were learning strategies to cope with anxiety. She had them practice progressive muscle relaxation. As quiet music was playing, she talked the students through the process. Thank you, Ms. Miller, for all you do to help our students!
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hubbard
Ms. Bates and Ms. Allen provide live music for Harmony as they prepare for their next performance! Lots of talent in that room!!!
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hubbard
Ms. Z. has her students use individual whiteboards to keep her lessons interactive. Today, her American History class continued a study on how America built its empire. Today's focus was American diplomacy in China.
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hubbard
GR8 Jr. High teachers are already prepping for next school year by participating in eMINTS training for THREE new 3D printers funded by an eMINTS grant!!!
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hubbard
Kindergarten students were extremely motivated to practice their sight words today! Ms. Jayla let them use dry erase markers on the small group table! Markers are magical!!!
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hubbard
First grade had a flag presentation today from the 40 and 8 VFW in Sedalia. Mr. Bybee and Mr. Ficken taught the history of the flag, flag etiquette, how to fold the flag, and proper disposal of an American flag.
almost 2 years ago, Rachel Hammers
students holding American flag
students folding American flag
American flag presentation
Second grade reading groups were in full swing today! Some groups focused on word work and decoding strategies for fictional text. Other groups learned how to use nonfiction text to create word webs for future writing projects. Keep up the GR8 work!
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hubbard
First grade is keeping busy with reading support today: small groups, independent reading centers, and progress monitoring! Make sure to have your little tiger cubs read to a family member each day! This is the time of year our first grade students really start to bloom! Your home support is so appreciated!
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hubbard
High school Biology classes are making presentations this week. Students worked with partners to research various animals in order to "create" their own animal species with characteristics from the various animals they researched. Today, the new species was a Crocatuasaras... interesting combination of a crocodile, turtle, and tuatara! GR8 Job!
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hubbard
Jr. High Science classes reviewed thermal energy today and started discussing how pressure affects states of matter. Ms. Donaldson used real world examples to help students better understand this concept: balloons, bike tires, mountain elevation.
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hubbard
Senior Spotlight
almost 2 years ago, Green Ridge R-8 School District
The Jr High Tiger boys finished up a great season today beating rival Sacred Heart for the second time this year and bringing home 3rd place in the Kaysinger Conference Tournament. The boys finished the year 8-1 in regular season play, a 2nd place finish in the Lincoln tournament, and 3rd in the Conference tournament. To say it was a successful year would be an understatement. I'm so proud of this group of young men and I can't wait to see what they do moving on in their HS careers! 🐅🏀💜
almost 2 years ago, Josh Link
3rd place
It's a Grand Event!
almost 2 years ago, Rachel Hammers
Flyer for Grandparents Day
Today, our 5th & 6th grade Math and ELA classes were busy breaking down lengthy word problems, reviewing various math concepts, and identifying characteristics of science fiction in a sample text. GR8 job, Tigers!
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hubbard