We have had great music camps this week!
Band has been hard at work learning new music, refreshing their minds on marching technique, and a few brand new things. It’s not all work and no play! We played a couple games to round out a few of our days. All in all, it was a good time and we are looking forward to getting back to playing music together.
Harmony has been challenged to step-up their choreography game and they are crushing it! They have been picking the moves up quick and working hard. With as much fun as they are having, it hardly looks like work!
22-23 Registration Info!
Green Ridge High School Fall Sports Practice begin Monday, August 8th. Volleyball will be 6-9 a.m. in the big gym. Soccer will be 6-8:45 p.m. at the Soccer Field. Golf and Cross Country practice information will be posted later.
Green Ridge Junior High Fall Sports will start their Practices on Monday, August 22nd. More info will follow.
If you do not have an updated physical, please get one before the 8th. Here is the link to the physical: https://www.mshsaa.org/resources/SportsMedicine/MSHSAA-PPE-MH-SSMB.pdf
Our GR8 School would love to give a BIG shout out to all who came to help move furniture back into all of the classrooms! We had a large group from the 131st Maintenance Group come help us, along with GR8 staff and their family members. We value our partnership with the 131st Maintenance Group. We could not have accomplished all of this without them today!
GR8 Families,
Here is information on lunch prices for the 2022-23 school year. As there are no more waivers for free breakfast and lunch, our school will reinstate charging for meals. It was nice while those waivers lasted! We encourage families to fill out the lunch forms at the beginning of the school year.
2022-2023 School Supply List
Help us welcome a new staff member for the 2022-2023 school year!
GR8 Patrons, your input is requested. As our district receives federal dollars, we are required to have a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan/Re-Entry Plan. We review and revise our plan twice a year. To review the plan and provide input, please use this link: https://forms.gle/TSPJuUt7ffT94A1A9
Help us welcome a new staff member for the 2022-2023 school year!
The regular June Board of Education meeting has been changed to Wednesday, June 22 at 6:30 p.m.
Volleyball in June! Playing in the Paradise Shootout in the Stover Dome.
Some of our GR staff went to Lake Ozark for the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) Summer Institute this week. Mrs Hilt and Mrs White took the opportunity to present to other attendees as well. Thank you for working hard and extra days to make our school better.
Congratulations to Lucas Mason for his First Team All-District selection as an outfielder. Great Job Lucas!
School is out for summer! So...what were the teachers doing today? Our GR8 staff moved all of the furniture out of classrooms in preparation for the renovations that will happen this summer. Way to work, GR8 staff! So much was accomplished today! Now go enjoy your summer.
We are so blessed to have had these amazing educators serve the GR8 school district. Congratulations on your retirement Renee Curtis, Mindy Hubbard, Lori Larimore, Tresa Twenter, Sue Hutchinson, and JW Lantrip.
Thanks to these wonderful educators for coming back to the classroom after their initial retirement. We very much appreciate Mrs. Meyers and Mrs. Schlender for working so hard this year, and Mr. Meyer for teaching the past two years in Green Ridge.
We are excited for this mornings Awards Assembly! Go Tigers!
Congratulations to our GRHS 2022 graduates! Have a safe and fun celebration this evening.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that tomorrow evening, Monday, May 23, at 6:30 PM we will be recognizing all of our activities. This includes all 7-12 athletes, musicians, and academic bowl team. Please join us to recognize all of the awesomeness of our students. We will have light refreshments of cookies and drinks beginning at 6pm.
Green Ridge Graduation will be online here today at 2:00 p.m.:
Congratulation Seniors of 2022!